About Us
Since 1997 Grand Slam has established itself as one of Florida's finest sport fishing supply stores. In 2003 the bait and tackle outfitter expanded its South Florida presence by adding a second location in Riviera Beach, Florida, just 20 minutes south of its flagship store. With the addition of a second store, Grand Slam expanded its inventory to approx. $2 million and solidified its ability to serve fishermen worldwide. This addition set the groundwork for Grand Slam's latest expansion, grandslamtackle.com.
While Grand Slam has been serving traveling fishermen worldwide through phone and email orders, its new site enables customers to quickly and efficiently place orders online while retaining the same professionalism and product knowledge experienced through phone orders. With a large stock of custom made items, Grand Slam provides the fisherman with exactly what they need, whether fishing for pleasure or professionally.
Grandslamtackle.com was built with the methodology of keeping shopping easy for the customer while providing a variety of both specialty and staple items. With a large variety of products from Shimano, Daiwa, Penn, Crowder Rods, Blackfin Rods, Ande Monofilament, Sufix, Momoi Diamond and many more, grandslamtackle.com has the inventory fill orders of any size. While not available for order online at this time, Grand Slam also offers a wide variety of the finest bait and high quality custom rods.